2017-2018: paper-based prototypes
Our project started back in 2017 with the development of a panel of colour-changing paper-based sensors that allowed us to test different substances and select the most suitable for miniaturised and easy-to-read smart labels
2018-2021 Plastic-based prototypes
After that, we moved to plastic-based prototypes, exploring a wide variety of reactive compounds and foods, ranging from meat and fish products to milk, to demonstrate the versatility of our sensing approach
2019-2021 IPR
Since 2019 we patented both the synthetic procedure for our lab-scale prototypes and the application of this kind of colour-changing sensors as smart labels for food freshness monitoring
“Sensori per la Valutazione della Qualità di Prodotti Alimentari a Base di Carne” Italian Patent 10201900000464, 19 March 2019
“Sensors for the Evaluation of the Quality of Meat-Based Food”
WIPO PCT/IB2020/052998, 30 March 2020
“Sensors for the Evaluation of the Quality of Meat-Based Food”
EURO-PCT 20721299.4, 30 March 2020
“Sensors for the Evaluation of the Quality of Meat-Based Food” U.S. Patent 17599196, 28 September 2021
2022-Today: Biodegradable prototypes
Currently our research activity is focused on developing biodegradable smart labels and expanding the panel of foods for which our colour-changing sensors are applicable